IBSA Past President & Wife Revisit Blind Judo Foundation
Article Added 15 years ago
Bruno Carmeni, the past President of the International Blind Sports Association for Judo and his wife Aida Guemati, a 3rd Dan and European Judo Veterans Champion both from Italy returned to Cahill's Judo Academy in San Bruno, CA to continue their support of The Blind Judo Foundation [URL="http://www.blindjudofoundation.org"]http://www.blindjudofoundation.org[/URL]
The Mission and Goal of the Foundation is to support, encourage and train blind and visually impaired children and young adults in the sport of Judo. The main goal is the help the blind and visually impaired athletes achieve independence through the sport of Judo.
The sport of Judo whether for general overall physical fitness, confidence building or preparing to represent the USA at the Paralympic Games in 2012, is according to Charlie Huebner, Chief of the International Paralympic Committee the "opportunity sport" for all willing to step onto the Judo mat.
To learn more about how the sport of Judo can make a difference in your life, check out our URL for the Blind Judo Foundation at [URL="http://www.blindjudofoundation.org"]http://www.blindjudofoundation.org[/URL]
Included is a photo of the recent Carmeni / Guemati Training Seminar at Cahill's Judo Academy in San Bruno, CA.
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