The Noticer by Andy Andrews
Article Added 15 years ago
[U][B][/B][/U]Here is another "must read" book that is based upon a belief that our time on earth is to be used wisely. One of the ways is to notice those that have make impacts upon our lives. As a sighed person, our Foundation works with blind and visually impaired young adults introducing them to the sport of Judo. Many of the blind and visually impaired individuals might have lost their place in life, yet become alive by being recognized and appreciated at individuals making a contribution to not only themselves by to society as a whole. Coach Willy Cahill, Co-Founder of the Blind Judo Foundation is one of the most influential individuals who have created champions of bind kids and young adults through the sport of Judo. Blind and visually impaired individuals who think about "shoulda, coulda and woulda" have turned their life's around by being introduced to this "noticer" written about in Andrews book, The Noticer. There are many opportunities today to be a positive influence on individuals by "noticing" achievement or accomplishments that would not otherwise be seen. Recognizing and expressing those features to an individuals can and will make a huge difference in that persons life. Who is your life has made and perhaps continues to make a positive change for the better. Pick up a copy of [U][B]The Noticer [/B][/U]and let us know what it has meant to you by signing up for this blog.
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