Alan Garrels - Chairman Advisory Council - Blind Judo Foundation
Article Added 16 years ago
Alan Garrels accepts the Chairmanship of the Advisory Council of The Blind Judo Foundation.
Alan has an impressive backgroung and experience to lead this new Council as he brings over 30 years of experience working in the blind and visually impaired community.
In the mid 1980 Alan was President of the State of Washington Chapter Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind & Visually Impaired (AER); From 1996 - Present Alan is actively employed by the Washington State Department of Services for the Blind as Program Manager, Community Programs.
Many more of his contributions to the blind and visually impaired community include but not limited to: 1986-1990 Board Member WA Chapter AER; 2001-2003 President, Pacific Northwest Chapter AER; 2005-Present a Member, State Interagency Coordinating Council, Birth to Three Services for the Blind; 2004-Present Co-Chair National Agenda Goal 9 National Networking Forum for Transition.
In 1998 Alan received the Outstanding Service Award, Pacific Northwest AER and in 2004 Received the Chapter Service Award, Pacific Northwest AER.
The above is just a brief background on this outstanding individual who has dedicated his career and professional activities to the blind and visually impaired community. The Blind Judo Foundation is honored to have Alan accept the position of Chairman of The Advisory Council of the Blind Judo Foundation. Those that might be interested in joining the Advisory Council please contact The Blind Judo Foundation at 425-444-8256.
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