Job Opening
Summer Camp Starlight Coach
18 years ago -
We are looking for gymnasts interested in teaching gymnastics at Camp Starlight this summer. First and foremost, this is a seasonal position that would run from June 17 to August 12, 2007.
To tell you a little bit about Camp Starlight…
We are a 7 week, co-ed, residential camp located in Northeast Pennsylvania (about 2½ hours from New York City). We will have close to 450 campers, ages 7-15. Consequently, we hire over 200 people from all over the world to work as part of our staff. Currently, we are looking for an experienced, enthusiastic and qualified individual to be the head of this extremely active and popular program. We offer a great salary room and board included. Plus, it’s a lot of fun and this would no doubt be a summer position unlike any other!
Our program features: The instruction of all age, interest and ability levels, top national & international instructors, a fully equipped Gymnastics Pavilion with springboard floor and the opportunity to coach our gymnastics team.
For a full overview of Camp Starlight, please visit the "Work @ Camp" link on our website at You can also find an on-line application as well as plenty of pictures and videos.
If you have any questions or if you would like to hear more about this position, do not hesitate to call me toll-free at 877-875-3971 or e-mail me us @ . I would be happy to go into further detail about our program and this position.
Hope to hear from you soon. Or, if you know someone else that might be interested in this position, I would appreciate it if you could forward this to them.
Time Period
6/17/07 - 8/12/07
Compensation Type
Summer Job
Contact Name
Camp Starlight
Contact Email
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Contact Website
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Posted in Gymnastics & Cheer Coaching Positions
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