Job Opening
Gymnastics Coaches Wanted
8 years ago -
15 W 36th Street
New York
New York
The New York Kids Club is the premier children’s enrichment center in New York. Our industry renowned curriculum is cultivated by our creative, talented, forward thinking teams. We set the standard for innovative, stimulating children’s classes, day camps, birthday celebrations, and special events.
Compensation is $18-$25 per hour, based on experience.
As a Gymnastics Coach at NY Kids Club, you will:
Have basic tumbling skills such as cartwheel, forward roll and handstand and be comfortable instructing young children on how to perform these skills
Be bubbly and full of energy
Be confident managing 7 children at a time
Be well-spoken, friendly and compassionate
Be professional when communicating with parents and caregivers
Have previous gymnastics experience
High level of enthusiasm
Understanding of the benefits of non-competitive gymnastics
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Posted in Gymnastics & Cheer Coaching Positions
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