Miami Diving / University of Miami
16 years ago -
#1 Hurricane Drive, mail: P.O. BOX 248313, Miami, FL 33156
Coral Gables
The outdoor pool is located in the heart of the Coral Gables Campus on Lake Osceola at the University of Miami, part of the Whitten University Center. Diving pool is 25 yards by 25 yards, in the middle of the pool; depth is 16 feet. Diving well has (2) 1 meters and (2) 3 meters. The platform is one of a kind. It has a 5m, 7m and 10m. The pool is usually heated between 79 - 82 degrees. Our dry-land facility has four trampolines, one dry-board and two spotting rigs. On the opposite site has several platform with landing mats for somersaults on the ground.
Contact Name
Randy Ableman/Dario DiFazio
Contact Email
Contact Phone
(305) 284-3639
Contact Fax
(305) 284-3645
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