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Nastia Liukin. Taking it's toll. Part 1. Mentioned in New York Times!!
Video Upload Posted 16 years ago
BIG NEWS:: This montage was mentioned in a new york times article!!!!! here's the exact quote: "By the fall of 2006, Liukin looked like a sure shot for Olympic and financial triumph. Then, in October, she injured her ankle during practice and required surgery to remove bone chips. Masochists can check out her comeback struggle on a wince-inducing YouTube video called "Nastia Liukin: Taking Its Toll." Liukin was clearly competing while in severe pain — her brow knit, her eyes clouded with tension."
This is a great accomplishment for me! it shows i'm getting noticed by the NEW YORK TIMES! that's like the biggest newspapaer ever! here's a link:
listen to the lyrics. montage of nastia liukin. this montage shows the negative side of 2007. that's what it's meant to do, but it's only part 1 of the story. i made this montage to show what nastia is going through and then they'll be a montage "part 2" that shows how she overcame it. sorry for all the confusion. i don't hate nastia or anything. this is only part 1 of her story.
READ THIS BEFORE YOU WATCH!!! said by my sister, the best person in the world
ash didnt make this montage to cut at nastias abilites. she made it to show how an injury can affect a gymnasts abilities, no matter how good they may be. so next time one of you calls her montage disappointing just because it doesn't focus on how great a gymnast is all of the time, remember there is no such thing as perfection in gymnastics. there are two sides to every story but there is no upside to an injury.
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