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10 Video(s) Found
Anna Pavlova : 2005 Worlds AA UB
Anna Pavlova competes on the uneven bars during the all around at the 2005 World Championships in...[ Read More... ]
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Anna Pavlova : 2005 Worlds AA FX
Anna Pavlova competes on the floor exercise during the all around at the 2005 World Championships...[ Read More... ]
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Anna Pavlova : 2005 Worlds AA BB
Anna Pavlova competes on the balance beam during the all around at the 2005 World Championships in...[ Read More... ]
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Euros 2008 : Montage
A Montage of the 2008 Senior Womens European Championships created by me =]Song is a remix of the...[ Read More... ]
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Anna Pavlova : 2008 Europeans TF FX
Anna Pavlova competes on the floor exercise during team finals at the 2008 European Championships.
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Anna Pavlova : 2004 Chunichi Cup FX
Anna Pavlova competes on the floor exercise during the 2004 Chunichi Cup. Her floor music is...[ Read More... ]
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Anna Pavlova 2003 French International Beam
Anna Pavlova 2003 French International Beam
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Anna Pavlova 2003 Russian Nationals Vault
Anna Pavlova 2003 Russian Nationals Vault
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Anna Pavlova 2001 RUS Nationals Beam
Anna Pavlova 2001 RUS Nationals Beam
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Anna Pavlova 2000 Junior Europeans Bars
Anna Pavlova competes at the 2000 Junior Europeans on bars. She won the gold medal with a 9.687.
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