City Soccer Club - Culver City
15 years ago -
P.O. Box 4274
Culver City
Welcome to City Soccer Club, the most Brazilian club in West Los Angeles! It's more than a club: it's a big family! We teach from the heart, which empowers our athletes to play with passion and to learn to love the game. Our experienced and professional coaches have proven that the right teaching and motivation produce consistent results year-in and year-out. Our club's objective is to teach young people how to realize their full potential in any endeavor, and how to find the joy in pursuing excellence. Athletes in our program are taught focus and discipline first and foremost. As they attain that focus and discipline, players develop fundamental skills which allow them to build towards the successful execution of the classic moves of great players. Our teaching combines the principles of Coerver Coaching (which emphasizes a skilled first touch and fast play) with the Brazilian tradition of creativity, dribbling skill, and magical combinations.
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Contact Phone
310-866-0908: Head coach Paulo Luz;310-403-6363: Head coach Nico Marinez
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