California Futbol Club
15 years ago -
10571 Davit Avenue
Garden Grove
California Fútbol Club is committed to serving the youth soccer players and their families of Garden Grove and Central Orange County. Our youth soccer club does this by offering an opportunity to serious soccer players to play at a competitive level best suited to their individual ability and desire. We have quality teams in each age group that compete and succeed at the state and national level. At the same time, we provide an opportunity for every player to compete for a position on a team and to continue developing their individual ability.
Soccer Training
To help aid in the development of the soccer players, we provide a professional coach/trainer for every team. We also offer them the opportunity for individual clinics and instruction designed to meet their needs, so they can achieve the highest possible degree of improvement and success. Additionally, we provide a positive learning environment and a player/parent relationship that is designed to transfer from the soccer field to school and beyond. We also have quality equipment and playing fields available.
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Contact Phone
(714) 839-9816
Contact Fax
(714) 839-5240
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