Two Teenage Brothers - Riding Across America to Promote the Blind Judo Foundation
Photo Upload Posted 12 years ago
On June 1, 2012 two teenage brothers left CA to fly to the East coast. Starting on June 3, 2012 they will ride their bicycles 4300+ miles back to CA. Why? 1) the challenge and, 2) bring awareness to the work of the Blind Judo Foundation and help raise funds to support blind and visually impaired athletes including our returning military men and women that have become blind or visually impaired, to the sport of Judo. They know the value of Judo for building confidence and enhancing independence and want to make a difference in their lives. Check out and follow GOJUDOKA Donations can also be made at Blind Judo Foundation - promotes the sport of Judo to the blind and visually. All donations are tax exempt. Thank you for your support. Please follow our blog and for 15 min. updates as they travel across the USA.
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