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Earnhardt going fast and furious on Twitter (The Associated Press)
 It may not have been the most exciting news of the week, at least when it comes to fans of Dale Earnhardt Jr. A reluctant participant on Twitter for years, Earnhardt burst into the Twitterverse this week with a flourish of revealing tweets that have given fans insight into his life they never knew before. ''I don't know what I was thinking, why I didn't get on there earlier,'' Earnhardt said from Phoenix International Speedway on Friday. ''It's a great way to tell people things you appreciate and it's instant.'' Earnhardt has had a Twitter account since 2008, when JR Motorsports signed up (at)DaleJr. That changed early Monday morning, hours after Earnhardt won his second Daytona 500 and posted a photo of himself with the trophy: ''Tonight seemed like as good a night as any to join Twitter. More...
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