Anchorage Dojo
15 years ago -
Pacific Norhtern Academy, 550 Bragaw St.
Anchorage Dojo teaches Judo to all ages to build self-discipline, to teach respect, as a competitive sport, and as a practical form of self-defense. While consistently creating champions, we emphasize the importance of winning and loosing with grace.
Judo focuses on controlling your opponent, and using their force against them versus striking techniques such as punching and kicking focused on in matial arts such as karate. Judo is comprised of 67 distinct throws, 8 basic pins, 12 basic chokes, 10 basic joint locks, and many variations to each of these as well as escapes and counters from them.
Anchorage Dojo is registered with Alaska Judo Inc., USA Judo, 50th State Yudanshikai, and the United States Judo Federation
Contact Name
Jacob Dempsey
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