Ice Oasis Ice Skating Rink
17 years ago -
3140 Bay Rd
Redwood City
The Peninsula's Coolest Place to Ice Skate. The Ice Oasis offers individual and family fun for everyone with both figure skating and hockey. We have programs for every age and skill level -- beginning to advance skaters. Our skating school is one of the largest in the Bay area and taught by professional instructors. If hockey is more your interest -- we have one of the best hockey programs from youth hockey to adult hockey in the Bay area. Join as a individual, our next season is just around the corner. The Ice Oasis is an excellent location for birthday parties, broom ball, and your special events. The Ice Oasis Skating & Hockey Club is a warm, inviting atmosphere that appeals to both individuals and families. The club offers an upstairs viewing lounge, wireless internet, game room, outside deck, large screen HDTV, and the Ice Oasis Grill.
Contact Phone
(650) 364-8090
Contact Fax
(650) 364-8634
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