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Gym Chat launches Gym Chat TV!! Share & watch sports videos like never before!
Gym Chat launches the new Gym Chat TV Sports application and video/audio players! Now you can step through, slo-mo, fast-play, reverse-play, 5 second instant replay, and zoom your sports videos! Share & watch sports videos like never before! Go there now! You can easily embed the Gym Chat video/audio players here by using the blue/green gymchat buttons above the posting text box: (blue is for single video/audio players, green is for the video playlists/audio playlists). Click the appropriate icon and then insert the video/audio or playlist id in between the tags. (scroll below for examples) Use the embed codes on the players and on the gymchat tv pages to display the videos/audios on your own website/blogs, etc. - you can also customize the player colors and other options. You can upload videos/audios from your computer or videos you have already online on video applications such as youtube, myspace, etc. using the Upload Video from WWW tool (just go to [COLOR=#810081][/COLOR], and click the upload button - that has the video upload form and links for uploading audio and also your videos online on other websites). Check out the players: Single Video Player: [gctv]345[/gctv] Playlist Video Player: [gctvp]0[/gctvp] Single Audio Player: [gctvaudio]31[/gctvaudio] Playlist Audio Player: [gctvaudiop]6[/gctvaudiop] Please feel free to email us or post here if you have any questions/comments! Here is the link to the post in the All Sports Announcements forum:
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Here's some more info on what Gym Chat TV is all about!! Watch, share, and post your sports videos & audios on Gym Chat TV! Gym Chat launches the awesome sports video/audio application!! Now you can slo mo, fast play, reverse play, step by step play, 5 second instant replay, and zoom your sports videos! Check it out!! Mp3 player there too for those audio interviews you didn't know what to do with and sharing your gymnastics floor music, free skate music, workout song, etc.! You can also choose to add an image with each audio. The step-by-step and slo mo features are great for breaking down sport moves, fast play for going through the video quickly - sometimes you want to browse through the video, don't have time to watch it all in regular speed, or want to find a certain spot you want to watch. The small zooming button next to the full screen button is an easy and quick way to zoom out the video in case the user has not uploaded a very high quality video and it is better viewed a bit smaller. You can also use the zoom in/out buttons to customize the viewing display - it is coded with pointer zooming so you can center the video where you want (and you can also use the hand tool for positioning). 5 second instant replay if you missed something and want to go back a bit real quick and watch it again. Reverse play - it can be lots of fun and show you something you might have missed the other way around! You can upload your videos/audios directly from your computer using your free Gym Chat [COLOR=#810081]player web account and also transfer your videos from other applications such as youtube, myspace, etc. by using Gym Chat TV's "Upload From WWW" tool. Videos can be set to public, friends only, or private. Customary features available as well, such as subscriptions, comments/ratings, different sharing options, and customizable embed codes. The way the menu on the video/mp3 playlist players work is that if a video/audio is playing the url/embed code and share button for that video/audio displays, and if no video/audio is playing the url/embed code and share button for the whole playlist displays. To customize the embed code for coloring and style, use the customize embed section on that url - for the video playlist players there is also an option to turn off the side vertical playlist to get a smaller embed width without compromising the video display (it still has the p menu for displaying the horizontal carousel of videos on the screen). Check it out!!
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