Step 1 is frequent hand washing, of course. And increased availability of antibacterial gel.[/quote]
Actually, antibacterial gel (the gels are weird don't you think? you leave them on your hands and don't rinse them off?) and antibacteria soaps might actually add more bad than good - you think antibacteria sounds good right, but like overusing antibiotics it can do harm by helping create super bugs that are antibacteria resistant and also gets rid of the 'good bacteria' too.
http://www.life.ca/nl/107/soap.html ->
[quote]There is a great deal of evidence that the use of antibacterial soap in the normal household is unnecessary and causes far more harm than good, both to human health and the environment.
Since 2000, the American Medical Association (AMA) has been advising the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to closely monitor and possibly regulate the home use of antimicrobials. At the AMA annual meeting in 2000, Myron Genel, chair of the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs and a Yale University pediatrician, said,