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USA Gymnastics: Behind the Team, internet tv show
Check out USA Gymnastics: Behind the Team show on the the Internet at - Click the picture of the USA Gymnastics: Behind the Team logo in the rotating center box to pop-up the video (there is also diving coverage too!). It's the At&T blue room video thing like the one that was on Nastia Liukin. The first episode is today, the next one is June 13th. It was good, interesting. It was funny Martha Karolyi says on the video something like 'it's not like you just look at a girl and say this is my's not that simple" - wasn't her husband's - Bela's - story that he goes to a school and can pick out who's going to be his Cool video! Next episode is going to be something on how the other big nations have their gymnastics teams work together and Martha is looking for having those kinds of ways in the USA to win....
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Epsiodes 2 and 3 are on now, same url in case you haven't watched it yet. Epsiode 1: Heart of a Champion Episode 2: In The Beginning Episode 3: The System Mary Lou talks about how in the beginning maybe there were 3 or 4, maybe 5 good gymnastics clubs, so you had to move if you didn't live in one of the cities that had the good gym, like she moved - she said it was traumatic for her. Some people even now move to workout in a certain gym. They left out the overuse injuries a lot of people attribute to the mandatory camps...which comes to the question at the end of the episode 3 clip, what those animals have to do with the gymnastics practices they showed - answer is that's the Texas Ranch where the mandatory camps / clinics are in.
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Good show!
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Episode 4
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