[quote]And then things got pretty scary...this is Mikaela "mac" Niles from Kamiakin on the uneven bars...she's nearing the end of her routine...and listen to what happens...fortunately, Niles lands on her feet and only got a scratch on her back...she would be a little shaken up.
But as soon as the equipment was put back up, Niles would re-chalk her hands and get right back on the bars...the equipment would hold up this time...she does a nice double somersault on the dismount...and she sticks it...that's good for a 9.05 and 1st place in the bars.
Niles would go on to take the all-around title as well...and that would help the Braves to the overall team title. [/quote]
(thanks for posting it
So, looks like she wasn't deducted for the fall, duh. Guess something was loose and they didn't check the equipment?!
You can watch the video of it at:
It shows some of their floor and beam competition - it looks like they are competing on a basketball hard floor??!!
Also at that competition:
[quote]Over to the beam next...this is Noelle Hayden from Hanford...she's got a pretty good routine going...she goes for the big dismount...the mats slip...and she takes a little fall...but it wouldn't hurt too much...she still gets a 7.6.[/quote]
She slips because the mats are on that hard slippery basketball-type floor, and so the mats slip - they should have put something in front of that mat to help it not slip, or better yet compete at an actual gym where it would be much safer. Better equipment, better coaches, better safety.
The bars collapse in competiiton is like this one:
The bars falls down after Ludmilla Tourischeva finishes her bars routine (she has the dismount like Nadia Comaneci did then) at the World Cup.