This was brought up in ESPN's tv show aired a couple days ago: "E:60 Roundtable: Violated",
Watch video 'teaser':
Wow - 7 felony counts of child molesation and still coaching at another gym. Side note: those dirty tapes on the rings are gross - re-tape them! Also need to do that a lot on the straps bars.
IG commentary "ESPN Takes Swing at Gymnastics" on the show, by Dwight Normile
[quote]Compelling stuff. Male coach touches young girl in wrong places. Girl comes forth, coach goes to prison. Another coach does same, gets hired at another gym while awaiting trial for felonies. [/quote]
That fake hugging is annoying:
[quote]That said, if gymnastics is generally perceived as a breeding ground for inappropriate behavior between adults and minors, all the hugging that goes on during competitions isn't helping. If you watch any women's meet on TV in the U.S. you will see more hugs than actual routines. After every dismount, a female gymnast must endure a receiving line of hugs from coaches and teammates before she can finally sit down and relax. And the majority of these hugs rarely celebrate anything extraordinary, as they should. What's difficult to watch is that a young girl rarely hugs back when it's her male coach's embrace.
These superficial hugs might be a coach's way of trying to show he's a nice guy, or that the coach-gymnast relationship is healthy, or a way to get on camera. Or the coach might really love his gymnast, but in a platonic way. But these excessive, emotionless embraces really should be replaced with high-fives or a simple pat on the back. Something sincere. Save the hug for winning the Olympics, or something. Hugs in gymnastics (or in any sport) should be spontaneous. [/quote]
Summing it up:
[quote]After I watched ESPN's show, I too felt violated.[/quote]
The press on abusive coaches is not just in soccer, and sexual abuse with minors is not just in sports - just a while ago there was a news story on a high school teacher puttine a video camera in the girls bathroom. And the problem that the coaches/teachers go somewhere else to teach while the case is being reviewed is not just in gymnastics, as shown in Oekf's links; here's one on a soccer coach in the news recently:
"Richmond soccer coach accused of rape"
[quote]Although Chavez no longer worked for the school district when he was arrested Wednesday, he had been coaching a local youth soccer club and renting soccer fields at Richmond High School for league games, Ehara said.[/quote]
USAG & Steve Penny's response to it:
[quote]USA Gymnastics statement regarding the E:60 program concerning gymnastics
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 15, 2008 -- Any form of abuse against an athlete is unacceptable.
USA Gymnastics seeks to do everything within its jurisdiction to stop abuse. This jurisdiction does not extend to the employment practices of private gymnastics clubs. USA Gymnastics