Azarian Gymnastics
18 years ago -
1 Argonaut Suite C
Aliso Viejo
Men's & Women's Junior Olympic, Boys & Girls Recreation, Tumbling Recreation, Parent/Child and Preschool Classes
Home of World Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Eduard Azarian. Our primary goal is to ensure that the programs we offer deliver more than just physical development. Gymnastics is an extraordinary sport that develops flexibility, strength, grace, coordination, positive self-esteem, discipline, time management, respect for others, determination and a healthy body in a fun and safe environment. From Preschool all the way to Junior Olympic Competitive Gymnastics, our goal is to see that every child who participates in our programs receives the same quality instruction regardless of their ability and are made to feel as special as they truly are.
We welcome your family into our family. Please contact us for more information.
We offer Adult Classes too: 6:30pm-8:00pm Tuesdays & Thursdays.
Contact Name
Marina Azarian
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