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Brady's agent says 'Deflategate' investigation flawed (Yahoo Sports)
 The NFL was determined to blame Patriots quarterback Tom Brady for deflated footballs in the AFC title game, and the investigation omitted key facts and buried others, Brady's agent said Thursday. Don Yee said the report prepared by NFL-appointed investigator Ted Wells was ''a significant and terrible disappointment.'' The 243-page report found that two Patriots employees violated rules covering game balls, and that Brady was ''at least generally aware'' of the plans to doctor the footballs to his liking. The report found some of Brady's claims were ''implausible,'' adding: ''It is unlikely that an equipment assistant and a locker room attendant would deflate game balls without Brady's knowledge and approval.'' Yee said the report ''reached a conclusion first, and then determined so-called facts later,'' and said Wells' firm makes a lot of money from the NFL and put out a report that benefits the league. Yee didn't elaborate on how blaming the NFL's biggest star for the embarrassing story that dominated the news in the run-up to the Super Bowl helped the league. More...
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