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Union questions NFL's domestic violence plan (Yahoo Sports)
 The players' union has questioned why the NFL's domestic violence training and education program ''treats all players as perpetrators.'' In a memo sent to NFL Players Association members on Thursday by Executive Director DeMaurice Smith and obtained Friday by The Associated Press, the union also said the plan ''doesn't build a positive consensus to warning signs.'' Smith and union special counsel Teri Patterson described two meetings this month with the league in which an NFLPA commission was briefed on the league's approach to educating players, coaches, executives, owners and NFL personnel about domestic violence. He wrote that a ''good overview of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse'' was presented. The presentation expressly recognizes that people in the NFL are often falsely portrayed and that the actions of a few damage the reputations of many.'' ''What the program teaches is that everyone can and should be part of the solution,'' the league statement said. More...
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