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Notre Dame's Kelly received $607,200 bonus in 2012 (Yahoo Sports)
Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly received $607,200 in bonus and incentive pay during fiscal 2012 while leading the Fighting Irish to a berth in the national championship game, earning a total of $1.46 million in pay and other benefits. That's an increase over the $1.09 million he received the year before, but still considerably less than the $2.05 million the university paid to Charlie Weis, who was fired after the 2009 season and now coaches Kansas. The figures were included in Notre Dame's most recent IRS documents for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2013, which were obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press. The document states that Kelly's base pay was $698,140, up from the $672,608 listed in the document the year before. More...
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