CarolinaVarga Dinicu, better known by belly dancers around the world as Morocco or AuntRocky, has finally published her book containing over 50 years experience inthe field of Arabic dance. This book is based on facts and Morocco’s personalexperience and travels in Northern Africa and the Middle East, so it is a musthave for all oriental dance fanatics around the world.
Thetitle of the book is
“You asked Aunt Rocky: Answers and advice about raqssharqi and raqs shabi”. The reason for this title is that, throughout the book inits various sections, there are questions and answers, which are those that orientaldance enthusiasts have been asking Morocco over the years.
“Youasked Aunt Rocky: Answers and advice about raqs sharqi and raqs shabi” includes,amongst other things:

- A section about Shaabi in different Northern Africanand Middle Eastern countries, with shaabi being popular and folkloric types ofdance. Morocco describes in details all these dances, including clothing anddecorations worn by dancers and the social occasions during which these dancesare performed.
- Information about Sharqi or so called Oriental dance,where Aunt Rocky separates fantasies from the truth.
- A very useful section with practical information fordancers, such as teaching, technique, working as a professional dancer andusing finger cymbals.
- Photographs of dancers that Morocco has taken duringher trips.
“You asked Aunt Rocky: Answers and advice about raqs sharqi and raqs shabi” is an essentialbook for every belly dancer or oriental dance lover to have.
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