If you are looking to start your own
belly dancing event, then there are things to take into consideration. Firstly, a Hafla, or a Middle East dance party, can take many forms from an educational seminar to a 'disco', so make sure you know what kind of event you wish to organise.
Once you know that, you can start source a venue and everything else you need for the party, including food, drink and entertainment. Many
Halfas are held during the Festive period as people are already

in the mood for a party, and as such a belly dancing party is incredibly popular. Many
belly dancing clubs use them as way to raise funds for equipment or for a local charity.
Like any party or event, you need to make sure you have the numbers to make it worth your while, so as well as pupils attending, encourage them to bring friends and loved ones. After all, you may find many of them enjoy it so much, they might become frequent attendees at the classes.
The venue is always the hardest thing to choose, as you need it large enough for the attendees, but such hired areas often have a cost. Doing it at your home or a friend's will result in problems, so it is worth biting the bullet and hiring somewhere for minimal fuss.
Either way, once all that is organised, you can sort decorations, food, invitations and entertainment. It is guaranteed to be a fantastic evening, so make sure you take care organising it.