Hyland Hills Judo Club
15 years ago -
6355 Quitman Ct.
We are a non-profit organization founded in 1968. We have coaches and volunteers that are dedicated to the training of youth and adults in the sport of judo. Through fund-raising and donations, this program has been able to purchase a building, training equipment, and offer college scholarships to youth in the community.
Judo is an Olympic sport, and this program was founded to represent a grass-roots program that could help students develop fundamental skills needed to progress in the sport.
The program offers both boys and girls a chance to experience success in sports, travel throughout the United States, and have a sense of belonging to a productive community project.
Our goals are to continue to serve over 200 students in the community, and to develop strong, healthy, intelligent adults for the future.
In addition to judo, we also teach jujitsu, aikido and kickboxing to adults.
Contact Name
Kari Gabrielle
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